1. Register/Log In
New patients can register by filling out the quick and easy online form.

2. Book Appointment
Book any of the available times which work best with your schedule.

3. Talk to Ur Doc
The Doctor will call you, or you can have a video call via the online portal.
Prescriptions will be faxed directly to your pharmacy of choice for delivery or pick up.
Doctor Notes and Requestions will be sent securely to your email.
No Hassle. No Time Wasted. No Worries

2 min>
To Book Your Appointment

24 hours>
To Talk to Ur Doc

It is no secret that Canada is facing a severe doctor shortage, wait times have sky rocketed, and it is harder than ever to even get a prescription refill.
Here at UrDocs we have developed a simple system to connect you with a Doctor to get you what you need promptly. Simply complete the 3 steps listed above and we can help you in 24 hours or less.*
Available Services
Doctor’s note
Addiction Treatment
Laboratory Requisition
Medical examination for driver’s examination
Medical Imaging Requisition (X-Ray, MRI, CT etc.)
Prescription refills (excluding Narcotics + Benzodiazepines)
Replacement Therapy (Methadone, Suboxone, Kadian, Sublocade)